MGVCL Chairperson Jobs Recruitment 2021
Madhya Gujarat Vij Company Limited a Power Distribution Company of erstwhile Gujarat Electricity Board having Offices at different locations in Central Gujarat invites applications for the post of ” CHAIRPERSON , CONSUMER GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL FORUM ( CGRF )

1. Company Name : MGVCL Recruitment 2021
2. Post Name : Chairperson Jobs
3. No of Posts : Various
4. Job Location :Vadodara
5. Last Date to Apply : 14/10/2021
6. Similar Jobs : Gujarat Govt Jobs
Job details
- Name of posts : Chairperson for Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum ( CGRF )
Educational Qualification
• Candidate shall be ( i ) a retired district judge / a retired senior judicial Officer or ( ii ) a retired civil servant not below the rank of Collector , or ( iii ) a retired Electrical Engineer not below the rank of Superintending Engineer or equivalent and having atleast twenty ( 20 ) years of experience with adequate knowledge of power sector . Experience related to consumer affairs will be preferred . The candidate shall preferably have working knowledge of the vernacular language of state of Gujarat i.e. Gujarati .
Job Description
• Chairperson shall have general powers of superintendence and control over the Forum . It shall be seen by the airperson that the Forum acts as per GERC regulations
- The remuneration shall be Rs . 5000 / – per sitting along with to and fro transportation facility
Age limit
- Below 65 years
How to Apply on
• Candidates meeting the above criteria may send their applications as per the Performa attached with recent passport size photographs and photo copies of documents of qualifications , age , and experience , and details of present job profile on or before 24.12.2020 following address by RPAD only duly mentioning on envelope ( applications sent through speed post / courier or any other means except RPAD shall not be considered ) . APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF CHAIRPERSON – CGRF ( GODHRA ) , The General Manager ( HR ) , MGVCL , Corporate Office , 3rd Floor , HR Department , Sardar Patel Vidyut Bhavan , Race Course , Vadodara , Gujarat- 390 007
Important Link
Important Dates
• Last date for submission application : 14/10/2021