Cow based natural farming: The government will provide assistance of Rs 10,500 per year. Extension of application for assistance to farmers engaged in natural farming based on indigenous cows.

The scheme was implemented last year to provide financial assistance to a farming family engaged in natural cow based natural farming in the state, including Mehsana district, in the maintenance cost of one cow. Under this scheme, 1,20 farmers of the district get Rs. 10,600 had applied for assistance. The deadline has been extended till October 15 so that farmers can apply for maximum for the year 2021-2. Last year’s beneficiaries will not have to apply.
Cow based natural farming
In order to reduce the cost of farming and get more production in the near future, the government has started a subsidy scheme from the year 2020-21 to encourage more farmers to adopt cow based natural farming. In which at least one acre of land is provided with cow dung, cow urine, a farmer of the department who is trained in natural agriculture is given assistance up to the limit of one cow. In which the annual Rs. Financial payments are made up to a limit of Rs 10,500.
In Mehsana district last year, 1,20 farmers engaged in natural farming based on cows received financial assistance. The government has extended the deadline to apply so that more farmers can avail the benefits of the scheme in the coming year.
What do you apply for?
Farmers will be able to apply on the i-farmer portal till October 15 to avail the benefits of this scheme. After the application, the required documents have to be submitted to the Gram Sevak, BTM, ATM or Project Director Atmani’s office within 3 days Ikhedut Portal.
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Important Date:
Last date to apply: 19/10/2071